Fall Reading Week Plebiscite and By-Election Results

We would like to express our gratitude to UNB students for participating in our recent by-election and Fall Reading Week plebiscite.   We are happy to say that this by-election boasts the highest turnout in over half a decade.  The majority of students (97%) that participated in this plebiscite voted in favour of a continued push for a Fall Reading Week at UNB.  We believe that this is a signal to our council, to the UNB Administration and to President Eddy Campbell that students are seeking a sufficient break in the fall semester here at UNB.  We will proceed by working with the Registrar's Office, UNB Senate, and the appropriate committees to discuss implementing a Fall Reading Week at UNB.  We acknowledge that this is not a quick process; however, students have voiced their concern and it is imperative that the UNB Administration act accordingly.

New representatives were also elected to the UNB Student Union Council.  The following are your elected councillors: Brianne Washburn, Education Councillor; Emily McMillan, Nursing Councillor; Julija Rans, Inclusion Councillor; and Haley McLean, Accessibility Councillor.  We are pleased to welcome these newly elected councillors to represent their constituencies.

We would also like to acknowledge the efforts and hard work of our CRO and DCRO, Michael Liddiard and Nick Williams. These individuals ensured the smooth running of this election. We are very grateful for your support.

The UNBSU team has been working hard to guarantee a successful year for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Student Union about our advocacy efforts, the services, and entertainment opportunities we offer if you have any inquiries.


Herbert Bempah, Vice-President Internal