SU The Squirrel

It all started…
one evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Saint John River, students were bustling from one class to another, while another particular group scurried among the ash and pine trees that surround Fredericton.
Su, a small squirrel, scurried through the UNB campus.
Whether for their eating habits – helping to spread seeds of trees– or their territorial nature, squirrels like Su were well-known. But the loud vocalizations of squirrels and their interactions with birds were muffled by the sounds of laughter and music. SU found himself near the Student Union Building (SUB), where a large crowd could be seen cheering.
Curiosity piqued, Su climbed up a tree next to the SUB, his eyes wide with wonder as he watched the bustling scene below. He was met with a sea of color and excitement, with students in bold red, black, and blue shirts. Faces were painted, students sported bandanas, t-shirts, and accessories decorated with the names of residences like Bridges, Lady Dunn, and more.
The spirited community captivated Su, and he felt an unexpected connection to the energy and camaraderie from the students.
But what caught Su’s eye was a distinct group of students wearing UNBSU shirts and lanyards, moving through the crowd and helping others. Determined to get a closer look, Su mustered up his courage and ventured down from his perch. As he approached the Student Union Building, his tiny heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Would he be welcomed? Would the students accept him?
Taking a deep breath, Su bravely scurried into the building, following boldly colored shirts and without even knowing it, had snuck into a UNB student union meeting.
His presence caused a brief moment of surprise, but the student leaders quickly warmed to the inquisitive squirrel. Right then and there, the team had an idea. They had been looking for a representative who was bold & active, simple and friendly, and of course a devoted presence to students on campus.
Who better than a squirrel to embody values of energy, resourcefulness, adaptability, and community in Fredericton—much like the UNBSU values.
From that moment, SU became the beloved mascot of the UNBSU reminding students that, like him, they too can find warmth, acceptance, and a spirited community at UNB.