Fall Reading Week Plebiscite and By-Election Results

We would like to express our gratitude to UNB students for participating in our recent by-election and Fall Reading Week plebiscite.   We are happy to say that this by-election boasts the highest turnout in over half a decade.  The majority of students (97%) that participated in this plebiscite voted in favour of a continued push for a Fall Reading Week at UNB.  We believe that this is a signal to our council, to the UNB Administration and to President Eddy Campbell that students are seeking a sufficient break in the fall semester here at UNB.  We will proceed by working with the Registrar's Office, UNB Senate, and the appropriate committees to discuss implementing a Fall Reading Week at UNB.  We acknowledge that this is not a quick process; however, students have voiced their concern and it is imperative that the UNB Administration act accordingly.

New representatives were also elected to the UNB Student Union Council.  The following are your elected councillors: Brianne Washburn, Education Councillor; Emily McMillan, Nursing Councillor; Julija Rans, Inclusion Councillor; and Haley McLean, Accessibility Councillor.  We are pleased to welcome these newly elected councillors to represent their constituencies.

We would also like to acknowledge the efforts and hard work of our CRO and DCRO, Michael Liddiard and Nick Williams. These individuals ensured the smooth running of this election. We are very grateful for your support.

The UNBSU team has been working hard to guarantee a successful year for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Student Union about our advocacy efforts, the services, and entertainment opportunities we offer if you have any inquiries.


Herbert Bempah, Vice-President Internal

Welcome to Wellness: Remembering Carter

This post is written by a lifelong friend and UNB student, Emily Wright, in memory of Carter Asbell, and in honour of the enduring strength shown by his family, Gail, Dave, and Mason. 

In the past few years, talk about mental health has been on the rise, across Canada and across our own campus.  Through events like Bell Lets Talk, companies like Wear Your Label, and campaigns such as UNB’s #MyDefinition, stigma is being reduced and stereotypes are being eliminated.  Another note, I personally think is crucial, is people are finally learning that mental illnesses come in many shapes and sizes. For example, bi-polar disorder, eating disorders, and depression, (just to name a few) all look different on everyone – there is no standard.

Take Carter Asbell, a former UNB student and friend of many on campus, for example.  Although he was never officially diagnosed with depression, he ended his own life. I think I speak on behalf of all of his friends and family when I say that it was a shock. Words cannot do justice how full of life he was. His smile was infectious, and he made it his personal duty to bring joy to everyone. There is not a single person whose life is not enriched for having known him. This is why it still, to this day, boggles my mind that he died from suicide, because I had no idea the emotional pain he must have felt.

Since losing Carter, I’d like to think I have become more conscientious of both my actions and my words. You never know what someone is going through, and how casually throwing around “kill me now,” or “she’s so OCD” may affect them. This is why I’m overjoyed at how much more attention is being focused on mental illnesses, both in terms of media and research. The more we learn, the better equipped we will be, to both educate and cope. For example, a correlational study published in early 2016 suggests that individuals who received a concussion at some point in their life, had a long-term risk of suicide three times higher than that of the normal population (Fralick, Thiruchelvam, Tien, & Redelmeier, 2016). This is an important realization, that could help explain many circumstances, like Carter for example. He sustained numerous concussions from sport and play, and this could be a contributing factor towards the impulsiveness of his decision. The more we learn, the more questions we can answer, and the more we can understand.

I speak now to my fellow peers at UNB, because over time, suicides rate in our population have been increasing dramatically. As the semester continues, things will get busier, harder, and more stressful, but I beg you all to find time for your mental health, because nothing is more important. While getting the A+, beating your record, or going to that party, may seem like it’s a top priority, just remember that mental health will always be the foundation of your life.

If you’re ever feeling stressed, down, or anxious, I invite you to walk to the quad and take a seat on the metal bench with the number nine on the sides. This bench was placed in honour of Carter, and is open to all. It’s meant to be a place of fortitude and reminiscence. If you just need a quiet moment, or if you have someone of your own to remember, please sit there, knowing that it represents the spirit of someone beloved by many, and knowing that you are not alone. As Wentworth Miller said, “like a dandelion up through the pavement, I persist.” We all persist. 



Pictured above: Carter's friends on his bench in the Quad. 

Pictured above: Carter's friends on his bench in the Quad. 

Student Event Risk Management

As many student leaders are aware, the University has introduced a pilot program: Student Event Risk Management (SERM).  This program is led by a committee composed of a variety of different stakeholders from across campus, including our Vice President Finance & Operations, Grayson Beairsto, and President, Travis Daley. The UNBSU has been representing student concerns to this committee since it formed. One significant result of this program is that clubs and societies must now submit an event application form in order to booking space on campus. This is a common practice among many universities and allows the Student Union to be more aware of events taking place to provide additional support to clubs and societies.

Since the introduction of this program, students have raised many valid concerns.  We have worked to express these concerns to the committee.  Additionally, we ensured that the committee held a forum on the processes allowing students to directly vocalize their thoughts directly to the decision-making body. The UNBSU representatives requested the SERM committee commit to addressing the following points:

  • Make event organizing training more accessible to students by providing an online module available as soon as possible. In the meantime, student event planners can meet with the UNBSU VP Finance and Operation prior to submitting an application.

  • Redefine what is considered a high risk event based on attendance to eventually reduce the amount of applications needs to go to the committee.

  • Ensure all events are processed without bias and only the facts presented are considered in the approval processes.

  • That the application be as minimally demanding as possible for students.

  • That the committee’s sole job is to aid groups in reducing risk.

  • An appeals mechanism be put in place allowing students to challenge decisions.

  • That the UNBSU be treated as a partner and this process will not reduce autonomy

The committee as a whole was receptive to this feedback and has agreed to address it. Students should feel assured that the UNBSU is continually advocating on their behalf. If you have feedback in regards to SERM, please feel free to email questions@unbsu.ca

Wellness Week

Previously entitled Mental Health Week, The UNB Student Union is celebrating its first annual Wellness Week from October 3rd to October 7th!  Although Mental Health is a priority for UNB and the Student Union, general Wellness is pertinent and must be observed.  Wellness Week will allow UNB students to celebrate all other aspects of Wellness including Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Occupational & Social.  All students are encouraged to participate in the array of activities to be entered to win various prizes and raise money for the Canadian Mental Health Association of New Brunswick.  We look forward to seeing you at our first ever Wellness Week! 

Pub Tour Stance

Some of the best memories for  university students are those that they make during student organized events.  However, UNB wants to ensure that students are gaining those experiences in the safest and most memorable of ways.  The Student Union has never supported, endorsed or funded any pub tours as we don’t have insurance coverage and because of the many safety concerns involved.  Therefore, we understand the university's decision.  We know this will be disappointing for students and we are here to listen to your concerns.  If you have any questions or comments don’t hesitate to contact us at questions@unbsu.ca.