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The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity per week and include at least 2 days of muscle/bone strengthening activities. Fit it in however you can, every minute counts!

  • Ask yourself why? What is your motivation to exercise? To feel better? To have more energy? To stay strong? To stay mobile? To look good? Figure out your WHY and write it down! Look at it every day as a reminder to move your body!

  • Set a specific time of day that is dedicated to exercise! Consider setting an alarm and adding it to your calendar as if it was a meeting or a mealtime

  • Designate a specific area in your house, apartment or dorm room where you’ll do your exercise.

  • Plan! Find an exercise video, follow a live exercise session or write down your own plan. Having a plan will keep you on task, make your exercise more effective and help you to be efficient with your time.

  • Any movement is good movement. You don’t need to be at it or an hour. Even working out in 10 minute bouts can be effective!

  • Get up and move every 30-60 minutes. Stretching or moving around for 2-5 minutes can be very effective for your physical and mental health.

  • Consider setting up a facetime call with friends or family and exercise together!! Having a workout partner will help keep you accountable to your goals. We need to physically distance ourselves, but we can still be "social” from a distance. We luckily live in a time where we can do this!

  • While on the phone or facetiming with friends or family, consider pacing around your house or apartment rather than sitting for the entire phone call

  • While watching a lecture, position yourself so that you can stand while listening. If that is not possible, after that lecture, get up and move around and stretch for 2-5 minutes

  • Move every day! Not all days need to be a high intensity exercise. Consider alternating between strength training, stretching, mobility, myofascial release with a foam roller and cardiovascular training

At Home Exercises
Exercise 1
Go through each exercise once and then repeat for as many rounds as you can until 20 minutes is up. Always listen to your body and take breaks when needed. If you want to challenge your body, consider continuous movement and limiting break times when possible.

10 - Body Weight Squat
10 - Push-Up (from knees to toes)
10 - Glute Bridge Extensions
10 per side - Plank with cross-body shoulder taps
10 - Jumping Jacks (option: high knees or jog in spot)

Exercise 2
Go through each exercise once and then repeat for as many rounds as you can until 12 minutes is up. Always listen to your body and take breaks when needed. If you want to challenge your body, consider continuous movement and limiting break times when possible

2 - Chair Squats
12 - Chair Push-Ups
12 - Chair Step-Ups
12 - Chair Triceps Dips
12 - Chair Forearm Plank (knee to elbow)

Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines:…/03/CSEP_PAGuidelines_adults_en.…

Here are some how-to guides for how to do some of the recommended exercises:

Body Weight Squat…/exercise…/135/bodyweight-squat/

Push-Up (from knees to toes)…/exercise…/13/bent-knee-push-up/…/l…/exercise-library/41/push-up/

Glute Bridge Extensions…/exercise-libr…/49/glute-bridge/

Plank with cross-body shoulder taps…/exercise-libra…/32/front-plank/
