Bylaw Adjustment

Over the past 8 months, the UNB Student Union reviewed the governing documents (bylaws) to ensure that they accurately reflect each position. As a result, the UNBSU is in the processes of amending Bylaws 1, sections 19 and 38-55. These sections outline Executive Councillor duties, Councillor duties, and councillor removal processes. For the executive positions, the bylaws have been amended to remove the specific duties of each of the executives and substitute it for a short description of the position. Each position will have a job description along with a contract to be signed at the beginning of the executive's term.

In order to distribute the workload more evenly, the VP External position will take on the advocacy portions of the VP Internal position and be renamed VP Advocacy. This allows the role to focus on advocacy efforts as a whole so as not to create excess overlap between positions.

Additional changes:

·         VP Student Services is being renamed VP Student Life to more accurately reflect the duties performed under the role.

·         VP Internal will take on the role of overseeing council, council chair and secretary from President.

The intention is to make the bylaws more reflective of the duties performed by these positions, to distribute the workload more evenly, and remove excess/redundancies within the bylaws. If passed, these changes would come into effect on May 1st, 2017. See the changes here.  If you have any questions or concerns email

Bylaw Adjustments

Draft Job Descriptions