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Pro Bono Students Canada, UNB Faculty of Law: Imprint Trans ID Clinic

The Imprint Trans ID Clinic is a longstanding PBSC UNB project. It operates in a trans-positive, non-judgemental, anti-oppressive, and inclusive space. During the clinic, clients will receive assistance with their legal transition, that is: the process of updating one’s legal name and/or sex marker on provincial and/or federal identification documents. In the 2020-2021 year, the clinic virtually expanded to include clients in all Atlantic provinces. 

In partnership with Imprint Youth Association, the clinic is facilitated by PBSC-trained UNB law students and McInnes Cooper lawyer supervisors. Student volunteers will explain the forms, the necessary procedures as per provincial laws and regulations, and relevant complicating factors such as being outside of the province of birth, fees, and publication of name changes. Please note that clinic staff can only provide legal information and cannot give legal advice tailored to a specific case. Virtual clinics are offered twice per semester. 

Virtual (Teams)


Website Links:
To learn about the clinic or to book an appointment: 
To learn about PNSC UNB:

Social Media:
Facebook: @PBSCUNB 

Last Updated: June 2022