UNBSU Red Awards Voting
Vote before: Saturday, February 29th, 2020
Select an Award to Vote For:
Campus Event of the Year Award (scroll down to vote)
The Campus Event of the Year Award will go to three sanctioned UNB events/programs.
Tibbits Halloween For Hunger
“Tibbits Hall House Committee organized and ran the Halloween for Hunger charity dance. Halloween for Hunger was a charity event in support of our charity of choice, the Greener Village Food Bank. The event raised over $1,100 and a cart full of non-perishable food items for the Food Bank, and had over 250 people in attendance!”
Girls STEM Up: Discovery
The Girls STEM Up: Discovery Conference held at the Fredericton Convention Centre on November 23rd--while a continuation in many ways of the founding GSU Conference--brought a new dimension to the mission sparked by the first event. Newly implemented this past conference were many new additions to the keynote, panel, and round-table speaker lineup, sponsorship and interactive booths featuring potential employers and mentors as well as clubs and societies, and a poster project competition providing researchers with a cash prize. Furthermore, we were able to offer several bursaries totalling over $4000 that were presented to students from UNB and other institutes to further their studies. A series of lead-up events, blogs, interviews, giveaways, and other activities preceded the conference, as well as a post-conference networking social that continued the connections between delegates and others involved. Through the use of the Whova app that we tailored for STEM Up, delegates, speakers, organizers, and more continue to converse and connect even today. Girls STEM Up: Discovery brought together over 300 delegates and even more individuals that committed on November 23rd to continuing the conversion about equality in STEM fields--and that conversation is being continued today.
Aitken House Car Smash
The annual Aitken Car Smash was an event where students could bid to take a swing at a donated car or even some old TVs with all proceeds having gone to AIDs New Brunswick! The Car Smash saw many different students participate and raise over $1000 for a great cause!
Engineering Frostival
The Engineering Frostival is a two-week-long event that brings engineering students together for a great start to a second semester! The following are the events that occurred: the Engineering Hockey Cup Tournament takes place during Frostival (with each discipline represented on a team!), free Board game cafe evening, free timbits and Hot Chocolate in the head hall lobby, Karaoke Pillar Pub , a guessing jar activity (guess the number of skittles in the jar to win engineering merch), a multi-disciplinary escape room in head hall, Crabbe Ski Night with free transportation and rentals and the Engineering Banquet at the Crowne Plaza!
Raise A Little Hell (RALH)
Neill House’s annual Raise A Little Hell fundraiser brings students from all over campus together to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society year after year. From pie throwing to head shaving, not only does RALH brings students together for one of the most exciting nights on campus but it also raises large amount of money for an amazing cause!