UNBSU Red Awards Voting
Vote before: Saturday, February 29th, 2020
Select an Award to Vote For:
House Committee Member of the Year (scroll down to vote)
The House Committee Member of the Year Award is presented to one student in Residence who:
Demonstrates school spirit by attending/ organizing residence events, volunteering for their house charity etc.
Demonstrates leadership and initiative within the house committee, and to other residents
Contributes to the life of the residence community
Encourages and empowers other residents to get involved in the wider community.
Takes initiative in creating new opportunities for their peers
Cole morash
Cole is involved by managing and monitoring the Harrison houses sports teams, provide fun sport events for Harrison, and is involved with planing and organizing socials and events for Harrison house.
Vincent Desrochers
“I am Vice-President of the McLeod House Committee and a Peer Mentor for 1st Year Engineering students for the EUS. I have organized activities throughout O-week, the school year and currently organizing our yearly charity dance, with the help and support from our HOC members. I'm also mentor first year engineering students if they need anyone to talk to or need more information on services offered in the engineering faculty and on campus. I play hockey intramurals with the GGE Faculty.”
Meghan Sweeney
“Hi everyone! My name is Meghan Sweeney and I am in my third year of a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Sociology and a minor in Political Science. I am currently the Vice-President of Tibbits Hall and I am a peer mentor in the Faculty of Arts!“
Sage Vanderlaan
“I’m a greenUNB representative for Neill, Bridges and McLeod! I participate in the UNB Spring program every Sunday at the YMCA, and I’m an active member of our house and house committee!”
Sarah MacIsaac
“I am a second year arts student majoring in psychology with a specialization in neuroscience! I was elected social rep for Lady Beaverbrook Residence and have planned multiple events for the best dam house! Outside of residence life, I am also a peer mentor for the faculty of arts, as well as the logistics director for UNBF jack.org chapter. These experiences have helped me meet so many wonderful people on campus and help create a welcoming space for everyone here at UNB! “
Katelyn Babineau-Wilson
“In my first year at UNB, the first thing I knew I wanted to get involved in was intramurals. i played hockey, soccer, volleyball and dodgeball. I was extremely excited to find out last year that I would be a sports rep at Tibbits house for the 2019-2020. It was great being able to help give students a warm welcome to UNB by showing them that there are many ways to get involved with the school, meet new friends, and stay active at UNB! I played hockey, soccer, volleyball, frisbee and flag football this year. I also had the amazing opportunity to be an HOC this year, which was a great experience. Being on house committee has taught me a lot about commitment, leadership and team work.”
Tristan fahie
“I'm the social rep for Aitken. I've been involved with all of my residence's events trying to make them the best they can be for our residents “